I've been looking forward to this since it got delayed late last year! It's the only DCU book I've bothered to preorder (I'm not much for the Big Two these days, except for non-MCU/DCU titles they put out like Nice House on the Lake). I'm wondering if I've ever even read any Tom King before, since I've avoided the main DCU titles for such a length of time. But this one looks so up my alley, I'm actually excited for it.

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The only indie work from him I know of is Love Everlasting... I think the 5th issue just came out and Sheriff of Babylon (which is excellent). It's about the war in Iraq, and King was in the CIA and spent time over there. His Vision series from Marvel is awesome, and I've still got a bit of his DC stuff to catch up with, but I really dig his writing. I picked up his novel, A Once Crowded Sky, but haven't gotten to it.

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