Titan Comics brings the legendary Conan the Barbarian back to life in a gripping new tale of lust, terror, and brutality with the newly released trade paperback, featuring Jim Zub's first arc, Bound In Black Stone. Set years after the Battle of Venarium, the weary Conan seeks rest and solitude in his homeland, only to face a mysterious threat from the Pictish wilderness. The narrative thrusts fans into a chilling world where danger is plentiful, trust is scarce, and Conan must once again navigate a perilous journey.
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A Riveting Return to Cimmeria: Conan the…
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Titan Comics brings the legendary Conan the Barbarian back to life in a gripping new tale of lust, terror, and brutality with the newly released trade paperback, featuring Jim Zub's first arc, Bound In Black Stone. Set years after the Battle of Venarium, the weary Conan seeks rest and solitude in his homeland, only to face a mysterious threat from the Pictish wilderness. The narrative thrusts fans into a chilling world where danger is plentiful, trust is scarce, and Conan must once again navigate a perilous journey.